We listen

we implement

and at the end, we expedite your requirements to your blueprint.

A heads up that something new is coming soon!

SOP & Document Preparation

Documentation preparation part is very tedious, time consuming and keen work. So this part has been in queue for a long time, and finally it’s up to the bar now. It’s useful before initiating the document control and issuance software.

QMS (CCF, CAPA, PM, Deviation)

In this software, it involves
‘Change control and preventive maintenance’, ‘Project maintenance’, ‘Deviation’ procedure in an easy manner.

Digital Signature

in place of keeping self busy on hard copies all the time for just minute work, this software is compatible with configuration of
e-signature using drag and drop action.

Drive Management

As storing the data in an appropriate manner with read & edit operation is really important due to the large amount of daily data especially in document making.

Take a minute to explore what's next and come up with enliven features.

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Ongoing cum trendy software on your way..

Previllege Management

ZENTIXS software is integrated with multiple software based on role and rights. It also connects with an active directory to fetch the user details automatically.

Document Issuance & Control

After completion of the document preparation part, documents can be placed for the issuance with control copy and reconciliation.

Employee Training Management

All the aspects of SOP training/ examination including individual and group training is covered in this software. In addition to, induction, assessment, on job training, CV and JR have been framed.

Instrument Data Management

All the details of instruments have been initiated first and then related procedures would be performed like preventive maintenance, calibration activity, general maintenance and service breakdown etc.

Clinical & Bio-analytical Labels

Labels like vacutainer/ria labels, dispensing via label, subject/ sample verification part is incorporated in this software.

Archival Management

The process like archival, retrieval, destruction, re-shuffle, transfer to internal, external or sponsor of document or softcopies.


In place of manual configuration of a logbook, it's useful to keep electronic records with a pre-defined template. Data can be secure and non-editable.

Project Management

Basically, tracking of the project, scheduling of the project would be covered in the project management software. It represents a summary of the project which study is going on, assigned details etc.

Remote Audit

This software is integrated between auditor and auditee whenever the auditor is required to access the document, this is the software where have separate login to the auditor and auditee.

In this digital era, everything conforms to the simplified process. It is lined up with a lot of tasks in minimum steps. Not only the intent to develop a great product or application builds the software very quickly, but system abridge is very challenging due to the daily hectic schedule and the dynamic behavior of the software integration.

To bring out all the needs to the current market, Infinium Global Technologies took baby steps in clinical research, pharmaceuticals, research & development organizations which have a vast network. As per researchers, the concept of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable tasks.

ZENTIXS integrates multiple software to fulfill the end-user requirements like document issuance and control, training management, equipment management, archival management and e-logbook etc.

It is remarkable how many parallels can be drawn between real-world situations. A new idea comes suddenly & in a rather intuitive way, but intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience.

ZENTIXS software is an idea to get a foolproof system towards the various factors that persist in all pharmaceutical, biotechnology, CRO companies and healthcare.


As in pharmaceutical companies, it’s very important to consummate validation parts like 21 CFR part-11, GAMP guidelines with FDA registration. Therefore, we’ve emerged among all the compliance parts and ensured to conduct so on.

Shake hand with us and say hello for ZENTIXS 😊

The world's leading companies where ZENTIXS serving the business